Catholic Council of Women and Men
Tri-Parish of St. Pius, St. Anthony, and St. Mary's
Constitution: ARTICLE III
Section I: The purpose of this organization shall be to foster spiritual and social benefits among the members of the Tri-Parishes. Members shall strive to set a good example to all by their virtuous life, ideal devotion and constant charity. They shall endeavor to take an active part in Catholic Action whenever called upon to do so whether individually or as an organization.
Section II: This organization shall undertake ways and means of helping the church financially with the consent of and the direction of the Pastor.
Section III: This organization shall continue the custom of providing a luncheon at the time of a funeral. Members will help at all Tri-Parish funerals.
CCW&M Membership Renewals
It's time to renew (or join) our Tri-Parish CCW & M. We all are members and our $10 membership fee will help with the many projects and fund raisers at all three parishes. Your time and talents are welcome! Please consider participating in any of the following committees:
Aspen Health & Rehabilitation
Please contact the Parish Office, 715-378-4431, if you have any questions or concerns relating to this information.
Please place in an envelope your membership dues and information including your name, address, phone number, email address and the name of your specific church within the tri-parish cluster. Drop the envelope in the church collection or mail it to:
St. Pius Church
PO Box 303
Solon Springs, WI 54873
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The amazing women of the CCW&M responded to a request to create reusable shopping bags and as usual they outdid themselves. Combined they made 136 bags that are being distributed in each of the tri-parish churches. They plan to continue their sewing (and crocheting) to make sure they have a sufficient supply when the "snowbirds" return in the spring.