Kids Corner

Thacher's Story
Prologue from the book:
Thacher Den Hartog lived in Minong, WI with his family. He attended Northwood School where he had many friends. He loved dinosaurs and story telling and had an amazing imagination. He enjoyed playing sports, eating flaming hot Cheetos, and was passionate about fairness and doing the right thing.
Thacher wrote this fable for his language arts class in school . He was very proud of the message in his story and printed off many copies to distribute to his favorite teachers. Thach was adamant that one day he would publish his story into a real book.
Published posthumously in honor and in loving memory of our friend and student Thacher
To read his book click on "Forbidden Friends" by Thacher DenHartog
Useful Links
The Amen app is the free Catholic prayer app that inspires your daily conversation with God through faithful meditations and nourishing Scripture.
Teaching Catholic Kids, from Our Sunday Visitor, is a valuable online tool for parents, teachers and catechists.