Catholic Services Appeal
CSA Donations
The Catholic Services Appeal is the lifeblood of our parishes, fueling the ministries, programs, and services that reach every corner of our diocese.
Links to online CSA donations
St. Anthony: https://catholicdos.org/st-anthony-of-padua-gordon-giving
St. Pius: https://catholicdos.org/st-pius-x-solon-springs-giving
St. Mary: https://catholicdos.org/st-mary-minong-giving
2024/2025 CSA Goals and Results (as of 12/01/2024 )
St. Pius
Goal: $13,574.15
YTD Results: $5905
% of Goal: 44%
St. Anthony
Goal: $9036.30
YTD Results: $6008
% of Goal: %67
St. Mary
Goal: $16,738.97
YTD Results: $9749.35
% of Goal: %58
Electronic Giving
Enjoy the convenience of electronic giving. Our church offers electronic giving, which allows you to make donations on a scheduled, automatic basis. If you are writing checks and preparing envelopes every week, you will especially appreciate electronic giving. It is convenient for you and provides much-needed donation consistency for our church.
How to get started
To set up electronic contributions, print and complete the authorization form located below or pick one up at any of the churches. You can also call the office to request one be mailed to you; 715-378-4431 ext. 2.
Electronic contributions can be made using any of the following payment methods:
Checking account
Savings account
Credit card
Debit card